Technology Activation & Testing

Fortune 100 Entertainment Company

Managed 3rd party multi-touch attribution technology implementation and ongoing activation & socialization, working as an extension of the client team.


A Fortune 100 entertainment company was looking for strategic and technical project management support to ensure successful completion of Neustar MTA implementation and accuracy of inputs.


  • Successful implementation of MTA solution
  • Client leadership/team buy-in on new metrics and recommendations


1. Our team provided ongoing strategic project management to ensure timely and successful completion of Neustar implementation. We acted as an extension of the client team and technical middleman across all BUs.

2. We supported and guided a quality assessment of MTA data against source of truth. This ensured the accuracy of inputs and general stakeholder alignment between the source of truth and Neustar MTA outputs.

3. Ovative supported insights analysis and the development of education materials. This allowed for executive and core media team adoption of the new technology.

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Lift Testing

Fortune 100 Home Improvement Retailer

Stood up a strategic lift testing program, unlocking new insights into the lift and causality of various media channels on customer behavior metrics and enterprise sales by defining the marketing measurement strategy, developing testing goals and roadmaps, managing test setup, and leading execution and ongoing measurement....View more >>

Incrementality Testing


Informed Facebook Marketplace marketing budget and media mix decisions by quantifying the incremental value of Paid Search through testing and statistical analyses....View more >>

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