Media Advisory

National Home Furnishings Retailer

Working as an extension of the client team in an advisory media capacity to drive incremental impact enterprise impact, maximizing media optimization opportunities across Paid Search, Paid Social, and Affiliate channels.


As part of longstanding Unified Marketing Measurement (MAP) and media advisory support for a durables retailer, the client team routinely asked Ovative questions around media optimizations. Knowing we could tackle some low hanging fruit together, the Ovative team outlined how we could evolve the existing model to work together in more of a consulting capacity with executional support as needed.


  • Increased Non-Brand revenue +81% versus the prior period
  • 35% of which was directly attributed to optimizations from Ovative’s advisory services (+$13M incremental revenue)


1. We kicked off by conducting a holistic Paid Search audit, identifying gaps in the current program, prioritizing opportunities, developing an implementation roadmap, and aligning how Ovative could support each initiative. The audit included a comprehensive opportunity and impact assessment of account structure and enhancements, budget allocation, and optimization.

2. As a member of the extended client Search team, we provided hands-on-keyboard guidance to execute against the roadmap, guiding implementation of structural changes and account enhancements, designing and implementing key optimizations, supporting the engagement with 3rd party vendors, and documenting the value captured through the initiatives.

3. Our team leveraged past site-to-store work to adjust bid policies to drive toward on-site actions most correlated to in-store bed purchases, tying the revenue impact back to MAP. We worked closely with the client and Google here to thoughtfully test into bid policy adjustments at scale.

4. We complemented our efforts with a holistic Search reporting suite, including consumer search trends, share of search, and query performance to drive intra and cross-channel activations across Paid and Organic Search.

5. With the successful results seen in Paid Search, the team extended our role to include forecasting while also expanding our advisory reach across Paid Social and Affiliate. Applying a similar approach, we emphasized KPI alignment and building out and evolving their testing roadmap for Social and have focused on setting up and launching a net new Affiliate program.

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