Paid + Owned Media Activation

Hybrid Education School System

Integrated efforts across Ovative Site Optimization, SEO, and Paid Media teams to design and activate against a holistic strategy to improve the site experience and generate more effective total media performance.


An alternative private school system, providing personalized learning through a hybrid one-on-one online and in-person model, was looking for a focused Paid and Owned media strategy and ongoing support to drive applications.


  • +24% site sessions versus last year
  • +10% site conversion rate versus last year
  • +189% media landing page conversion rate versus last year


1. Conducted a site audit, identifying opportunities in line with business priorities and best practices. Identified enhancements to lead forms, CTAs, navigation, location pages, and landing pages with roadmaps for future landing page and A/B testing.

2. Implemented site recommendations to capture increased market demand for online and hybrid learning. Specifically, prioritized updating lead forms and calls to action across the site based on user behavior.

3. Worked across Site Optimization and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) teams to maximize impact. Made recommendations on navigation updates, new campus-specific pages, and a new location search page for improved Organic ranking and a better overall user experience.

4. Worked with Paid Media teams to support paid messaging and campaign goals. Built a new core landing page template based on user flow and site best practices, prioritizing content creation for top priority campaigns before driving traffic to them.

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