Measurement Insights

How To Measure Super Bowl Enterprise Results

Typically attracting over 100 million US viewers, the Super Bowl is arguably one of the largest annual televised events in the country, offering brands an opportunity to tap into new audiences through TV and digital channels. Measuring the resulting activity and its impact to enterprise results over time is crucial to optimizing future efforts.

As results tied to Super Bowl advertising continue to roll in, our team has pieced together some early performance reads and insights on what to do next.

Early Reads on Super Bowl LV Ad Performance

While industry reports suggest fewer viewers tuned in to this years’ Super Bowl than years past, and we know it will take some time to measure the true effect of TV advertising, emerging results highlight positive digital performance.

Aggregated Ovative client data suggests Super Bowl ads drove increased demand through Paid Social, Search, and Direct channels, especially among brands that ran Super Bowl advertising. We also noticed:

  • Increased Spend: We saw a 12% uptick in digital spend on 13% reduced efficiency Super Bowl Sunday to last week as advertisers competed to take advantage of consumers taking to digital devices.
  • Traffic Spikes: While traffic remained flat given heighted competition for brands without ad spots, those with national ad spots have already seen a 12% increase in online sessions versus last week, driven by Email, Paid Social, Organic Search, and Direct. For these brands, traffic peeked during the Super Bowl with 50% spikes in online traffic.
  • New Users: Our clients also drove incremental value through an influx of new users. In particular, one client with a national Super Bowl ad spot increased new users to the site by nearly 20%.

Looking at the Big Picture – Measuring Total Enterprise Return

As results continue to come in, it is important for brands to consider the full enterprise impact of their efforts to evaluate if Super Bowl ads and resulting increased digital activity made a true impact on the business. So how can brands optimize to Enterprise Marketing Return (EMR) and ensure their marketing efforts are positively contributing to their holistic business? Here are some questions to consider when you are measuring EMR:

  1. How do we measure the true impact of Super Bowl activity? Consider the components of EMR – customer value, enterprise return (online and offline results), incrementality, and profitability to understand the impact beyond last-click ROAS. Leverage insights to lean into channels that drive the highest EMR.
  2. Are our digital marketing efforts driving our customer strategy forward? Continue to assess new customer rates and values, tying marketing efforts to longer-term file and customer strategy efforts. Develop a plan to retain these customer and grow them up the value chain.
  3. Are we driving profitable performance? Incorporate margin into performance read-outs to unlock opportunities to optimize to channels and products that drive profitable growth. Based on results, consider remixing into channels that drive profitable performance while promoting in-stock, relevant, priority products and services.

It is vital that as brands gather data on Super Bowl performance, they measure not just channel-specific results, but the total enterprise impact their marketing efforts have on the holistic business. Now it is on brands to leverage the insights unlocked by EMR to optimize marketing and customer strategies.

To learn more about Enterprise Marketing Return, and how Ovative can help your business maximize its marketing efforts and transform the measure of marketing success, visit

Ovative is a digital-first media and measurement firm seeking to transform the measure of marketing success. At Ovative, we help brands move the needle. We are curious. We value your brand. We want to see you succeed. Connect with us to learn more! 

[1] Sporting News, How many people watched Super Bowl 55? Ratings, viewership numbers take big hit in 2021, February 2021


Insights Team

About the Author

Ovative is a digital-first media and measurement firm seeking to transform the measure of marketing success. At Ovative, we help brands move the needle. We are curious. We value your brand. We want to see you succeed. Connect with us to learn more!

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