Measurement Insights

Marketer’s Guide to Navigating COVID-19 | Edition 3

In our third edition of “The Marketer’s Guide to Navigating COVID-19,” we are leveraging our proprietary marketing analytics platform (MAP) to provide a view of market-level ecommerce revenue before and after COVID-related retail store closures. We are seeing variations across markets, underscoring the importance of geo-based optimizations and other creative tactics right now.

In our third edition of “The Marketer’s Guide to Navigating COVID-19,” we are diving into geo-based optimization opportunities for retailers.

While it may not feel like it, there are opportunities to drive revenue right now. Analyzing your data to identify these opportunities is the most important thing marketers can do. One recent example was an analysis we did to compare market-level ecommerce revenue before and after COVID-related store closures, leverage data from our marketing analytics platform (MAP). We identified variations across markets and are helping clients make geo-based optimizations.

Every retailer is different, but we hope these insights and examples inspire you to find creative ways to maximize your marketing investments in this new environment.

“Curiosity is key, now more than ever, and we’re working hard to bring that to life.”
– Dale Nitschke, Ovative CEO and Founder

Ovative is a digital-first media and measurement firm seeking to transform the measure of marketing success. At Ovative, we help brands move the needle. We are curious. We value your brand. We want to see you succeed. Connect with us to learn more!

Download the guide here.

Chuck Anderson-Weir

Senior Director, Measurement

About the Author

Chuck Anderson-Weir is a Senior Director of Measurement Solutions at Ovative.  Chuck leads a team of measurement experts, responsible for helping clients get the maximum value from marketing measurement solutions.  He helped create Ovative’s proprietary technology – MAP and established Enterprise Marketing Return (EMR) at Ovative. Prior to joining Ovative, Chuck spent 5 years at Target in multiple internal... Read More >>

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