New Year, New Levers: 2022 EMR Power Rankings

Are you a marketer wondering how your planned quarterly media investment stacks up? Do you have confidence in the channel mix needed to drive performance? Could you be missing any key media tactics to maximize enterprise marketing return? Ovative’s EMR Power Rankings are here to help.

Marketers optimizing their media to the legacy metric of ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) are missing key opportunities to win. Traditionally marketers use ROAS to understand how their media is performing and identify opportunities to shift investment. ROAS is an outdated and misguided approach as it looks at online revenue as the only metric determining return.

This is why Ovative created EMR (Enterprise Marketing Return) a metric that holistically measures the impact of marketing investments. EMR incorporates online and offline revenue, future customer value, incrementality, and profitability into a single metric of success.

Meet the 2022 EMR Power Rankings!

It’s a new year, and marketers will need to pull new levers to make their media mix work harder – so, today we are sharing initial EMR insights including anonymized retail client data to help you maximize enterprise impact. Ovative’s EMR Power Rankings highlight the paid media channels and tactics driving the highest returns for marketers and the difference in performance compared to legacy ROAS. Use these rankings to ensure you are investing in the right channels this quarter and not missing any key media opportunities. Based on the outcome you want to drive (online sales, offline sales, future customer value), you can use the power rankings to identify which channels and tactcs had the strongest performance in 2021 and you should consider testing.

Download the full EMR Power Rankings here.

EMR Power Rankings Methodology

Ovative’s EMR Power Rankings are calculated by anonymizing 2021 performance data and EMR scores across our retail client base. Each of the key EMR components (Online Sales, Offline Sales, and Future Customer Value) are scored on a scale of 0-100. Adjusting for scale and diminishing returns, a weighted average is calculated to determine the EMR Power Score. The higher the score, the stronger that channel or tactic is in driving EMR or a specific component of EMR (e.g. with a score of 85 in “Offline Sales,” Facebook Upper Funnel is the strongest at driving in store sales for our clients). For each Power Score you will also see the comparison to legacy ROAS metric for each channel and tactic.

Key Definitions 

  • EMR Power Score: Holistic impact of media. 
  • Legacy ROAS Score: Comparison point to how legacy systems (e.g. Google Analytics Last Click) measure return. 
  • Delta: Difference between EMR Power Score and Legacy ROAS. 
  • Online Sales: Impact of media on ecommerce revenue. 
  • Offline Sales: Impact of media on in store or non-online revenue. 
  • Future Customer Value: Long-term value of acquiring a new customer. 

EMR Power Ranking Answer These Key Questions

  • Are my budgets allocated to fully maximize offline return?

Sorting the power rankings by the top ten offline sale driving channels can give marketers insight into channels they should explore or test into based on the performance we saw in 2021.

Top Ten Channels Driving Offline Sales

  • How can I reallocate my media to different channels/tactics to drive more revenue online if my stores close?

Sorting the power rankings by the top ten online sale driving channels can give marketers insight into channels they should explore or test into based on the performance we saw in 2021.

Top Ten Channels Driving Online Sales

Interested in reading more Ovative Insights on Media, Marketing, and Measurement? Click here!

Ovative is a digital-first media and measurement firm seeking to transform the measure of marketing success. At Ovative, we help brands move the needle. We are curious. We value your brand. We want to see you succeed. Connect with us to learn more!

Download the full EMR Power Rankings here.

Pallavi Janiani

Manager, Talent Services

About the Author

Pallavi is a Manager on the Talent Services team at Ovative.

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