Competitive Intelligence

Home Improvement Retailer

Designed and produced competitive marketing intelligence reports for each of the client’s 15 business departments to be shared with category merchants to make the case for investment shifts.


A $110B home improvement retailer was looking to better understand the competitive media landscape to help merchants evaluate and increase the competitiveness of their media spend in the upcoming fiscal year.


  • Produced industry insights and category-specific competitive intelligence reports for each of the client’s 15 category merchant teams
  • Influenced upcoming fiscal year spend and media mix allocation based on insights
  • Developed backend methodology to replicate dashboards and insights on a regular basis


1. Inventoried client’s and Ovative’s competitive intelligence and monitoring tools. Defined applications and limitations for each tool.

2. Extracted relevant data from each source against meaningful dimensions. Joined hundreds of Kantar media spend files together to create meaningful views of spend by category, competitor, and key media dimensions.

3. Leveraged data to design and build compelling quantitative and qualitative-driving dashboards. Stitched together detailed data views with insights on industry trends and client’s investment levels relative to industry and competitive directional findings.

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Integrated Planning


Continuously optimizing to Enterprise Marketing Return (EMR) by leveraging a customer-first strategy, holistic full-funnel cross-channel planning, and measuring using Ovative's unified marketing measurement tool, MAP....View more >>

Customer Strategy & Activation

Vitamin & Supplement Provider

Reversed declining performance trends and outperformed goals by adopting a customer-centric growth strategy and activating on insights across paid and owned media channels....View more >>

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