Holiday Planning

Meta Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns are Worth the Test

Ovative clients invested over a third of performance spend on Meta’s Advantage+ Shopping (ASC) during Cyber 5 with performance exceeding expectations. ASC campaigns had lower CPMs, CPCs, and increased return.

Heading into Cyber 5, consumers felt the impact of high prices on their purchase behaviors. To maximize performance during a tough sales season, Ovative tested Meta’s Advantage+ Shopping (ASC) and initial testing drove up to a 25% increase in attributed return and a 101% increase in incremental return¹ for clients. Now that Cyber 5 is finished, we examined if ASC lived up to expectations. Read this article to see how ASC performed during the most important retail holidays of the year.

So, How Did ASC Perform?

Eligible Ovative clients invested 38% of their total performance spend in ASC this Cyber 5. Those ASC investments drove more efficient spending and higher attributed for brands compared to business as usual (BAU)2:

We recommend eligible brands adopt ASC as a tactic within their performance mix as it continues to prove to be an efficient and high-performing investment.


Why We Are Still Loving It?

  • Impact: It is proving to drive higher attributed impact for brands when leveraged within your performance Paid Social.
  • Ad Personalization: It can identify what sequence of ad types (video, static, dynamic) are most effective for individual users, elevating the personalization of the investment​.
  • Consolidation: All of this is within one campaign, therefore consolidating all the data to elevate audience liquidity and fuel ad serving with more data.
  • Auto-Targeting: The tactic leverages new machine learning, including features like auto-targeting, which automatically creates and ranks targeting segments based on user behavior


What’s A Marketer To Do?

While the holiday season is ending, the spending season isn’t! After Christmas is a great time to continue marketing spend as consumers will continue to shop and historically CPMs drop during this time. This trend paired with an anticipated lower CPM for ASC’s in January makes it an efficient tool for optimizing shopping campaigns.

The right testing methodology is critical to setting up, analyzing, and optimizing the performance of these campaigns. Want to know more about how we are testing ASC or talk to one of our experts.

Fill out the contact us form below:

Let’s Work Together To Optimize Your Marketing

Ovative Group is a digital-first media and measurement firm. We bring together the best of media, measurement, and consulting to enable an enterprise approach to marketing that increases our clients’ profitable revenue, strengthens their customer base, and creates sustainable competitive advantage. Connect with us to learn more. 

1) Ovative ASC Preliminary Test Results, 2022
2) Ovative ASC Cyber 5 Test Results, 2022

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