Carrie Judisch

VP, Product & Project Management

“I’ve learned the importance of constant curiosity and actively listening to customer feedback. These lessons have been integral to our development of EMRge to meet client needs and set new MarTech standards.”

Carrie Judisch

VP, Product & Project Management

Carrie’s superpower is turning big ideas into real impact. She’s all about pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, using technology to deliver smarter, more impactful insights that help clients achieve their goals. As Ovative’s VP of Product Management, Carrie is the visionary behind EMRge, Ovative’s cutting-edge MarTech platform.

Curiosity and innovation fuel Carrie. Before leading our product team, she led Ovative’s Business Development team for six years, where she learned the importance of actively listening to customer needs and feedback. Now, she brings that same energy to our product team. Inspired by leaders like Barack Obama and Malala Yousafzai, Carrie blends her creativity with powerful storytelling to create impactful products for clients. Whether she’s developing the next big thing in MarTech or brainstorming ways to improve EMRge, Carrie is laser-focused on making things better for clients.

Carrie is a master at finding joy in the midst of a busy schedule. When she’s not taking care of her three kids, Carrie can be found at a wine tasting, hosting friends, raising funds for the University of Minnesota Children’s Hospital, or creating memories while traveling the world.